The center organizes multiple internal and external activities for the students in order to develop their abilities and enhance their social skills among the community also to create fun, happy and useful times for them.
For their Security, Happiness and Rehabilitation
Make your child's life better
Promoting social integration
In line with the policy of the United Arab Emirates to promote the integration of disability issues in various areas of life, the Center organizes regular joint activities with public schools to strengthen interaction between students of the Center and schools. The Center's students also participate in national and religious events.

Horse riding sport
Recent studies confirm the importance of horse riding for people with disabilities, particularly in for cerebral palsy and autism cases. The studies indicate the positive effect of horseback riding on the psychological, physical, emotional and social situation of people with disabilities. For the purpose the center constructs a horse track in the open garden and organizes horse riding activity under the supervision of specialists of the center.

Sensory Effects Treatment
Recent studies indicate the importance of sensory stimulation in improving communication of autistic children and these suffering from sensory integration disorder with the outside world, raising attention and alleviating hyperactivity. For the purpose, the center has a specialized hall equipped with sensory stimuli where students spend a daily period of time in the hall under specialized supervision.
Happiness and Joy
Within the framework of ensuring the atmosphere of fun and happiness for day students, the center constructed and developed a fun city entertainment within the school (kid zone) which includes a set of aerobics and jumpers (Trampoline) and hammocks and slides and animals in the atmosphere of music and fun.

Sand Play Treatment
Sand playing is one of the recreational and educational activities and helps to relax and to develop imaginative skills. The child learns to form units, learn shapes, names and sizes, and develop visual and motor coordination. Sand play can contribute to the development of language and social skills in partnership with others.An area was assigned within the open garden and equipped with tools and materials for sand playing.
Hydrotherapy and swimming
Swimming and water plays contribute to the building of physical health and promote interaction and cooperation between peers within the swimming pool, for this purpose there are two swimming pools and water games, one for adults and the other for children where They are equipped with ball, rolling and bird models for the practice of water amusement games. In addition, the center has developed sauna and thermal massages and the treatment by using Moroccan silt. The activity is organized and implemented under the supervision of trainers and specialists in the games.
Developing computer skills
The Center provides students with the opportunity to develop computer skills for educational or recreational purposes. The Center has a hall equipped for training, application and skills development on the use of computers, programs and sites, the center also encourages participation through competitions.
Interaction with Animals Treatment (Model Zoo)
Studies confirm the positive impact of the mental health of people with disabilities in their interaction with pets. For this purpose, a mini zoo has been established in the center, which includes a selection of pets such as turtles, birds, peacocks, horses, rabbits, ostriches, sheep, ducks and others where children interact and feed animals and birds. Currently, the center is associated with a professional partnership with the San Diego Zoo in America to develop a therapeutic program using the interaction with the animal. In addition, the Center has developed the technology of video animals as educational, recreational and therapeutic tools for presentation in the class room and residential setting.

Development of general knowledge
The activity aims to develop information and knowledge of students about historical, cultural and cultural landmarks in the country. To achieve that, the center organizes trips and visits to selected places such as the central market, historic fortresses, factories, stadiums, etc.

Cycling sport
It is known that cycling affects the building of the body and promotes self-confidence and encourages competition. For this purpose, the center provides cycling training and practice through a specialized trainer on the bicycle track in the center, the center has dozens of bicycles for this purpose.
Development of gardening skills and agriculture
The aim of the activity is to strengthen the link the concept of the child's attachment to land and nature and to enhance the development of self-worth sense through participation in horticulture and agriculture activity.
In order to and the promote competitiveness among the students, a small agricultural units is allocated to each student, bearing his name for cultivation, care and attention.

Achieving happiness and well-being
In keeping with the Center's mission to achieve happiness, safety and well-being for the people with disabilities, the center has a large grass garden equipped with dozens of individual and collective games, a jogging track and open games to be practiced by students under the supervision of trainers and supervisors, in addition, the center organizes mass trips to public parks, beaches, malls and other entertainment venues.
Skill Development of Arts
The Center is keen on developing creativity among all students, encouraging their participation in the fields of music, art, drawing, drama theater and other activities that contribute to express their abilities and stimulate the competitiveness of creativity and excellence. The development of these skills is supervised by a team of specialists in different fields.

Drama is one of the important ways in which we can help
disabled children to express their sensory and psychological emotion. With drama,
they express their relationship with society. Drama helps to build a child’s
personality and it affirms his relationship with his friends, society, teachers and
all staff who deal with the child.
For their Security, Happiness and Rehabilitation
Make your child's life better